How TikTok challenge killed teenager in the US

How TikTok challenge killed teenager in the US


A TikTok trend known as the Benadryl Challenge has led to the death of a teenager in the US.

According to Daily Mail UK, the challenge sees TikTok users, especially teenagers, swallow multiple antihistamine tablets to induce hallucinations before posting videos of their experience on the social media platform.

On April 12, the challenge led to the death of Jacob Stevens, a 13-year-old Ohio resident. Before his death, Stevens was filmed by his friends swallowing an alarming number of the tablets.

He later suffered multiple seizures, fell into a coma and was put on a ventilator for six days before dying.

Stevens’ death has led to pharmacy experts urging social media outfits to closely monitor concerning challenges and trends on their platforms. 

Medical experts have also pointed out that apart from causing hallucinations, overdosing on the tablets can result in heart failure, stroke, seizures and brain damage. 

Meanwhile, TikTok, through one of its spokespersons, on April 20, did not only sympathise with Stevens’ family on the loss of their son but also claimed it never allowed the challenge to trend on its platform.


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