Niger mining pit collapse: Over 30 still trapped, 3 weeks after


More than three weeks after a mining pit collapsed in Galkogo, Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State, over 30 miners have remained trapped, victims’ families and residents said.

Daily Trust recalls that labourers were working inside the 400-metre-deep pit owned by African Minerals and Logistics Limited when it caved in on June 3 after a heavy rain the previous day.

While government agencies, including the police, claimed that 20 people were trapped and six had been rescued, families and locals insisted that 50 individuals were trapped.

They said the six people were not rescued as claimed by government officials but managed to escape before the pit fully caved in.

Daily Trust had reported that initial efforts to rescue the trapped victims, including the site manager, Alhaji Ishaku Ibrahim, stalled because of lack of appropriate equipment.

However, findings by our correspondent yesterday showed that the recovery effort has resumed but is being done manually.

Families of the victims expressed frustration over the slow progress and lack of government’s involvement in the rescue efforts.

Suleiman Isah, whose younger brother is among the trapped victims, criticised government’s response to the situation, saying, “We are confused. I was crying when your call came in because my younger brother is among the victims. There is no day that I don’t go to that site. The recovery team has not been able to bring his body out.



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