Find out how long YOU will live with this simple test

Find out how long YOU will live with this simple test

MOST of us hope to reach the milestone birthday of 100 and get a card from the Queen.

And this calculator reveals your odds of doing just that, based on your gender and the year you were born.

To use the Office for National Statistics life expectancy calculator, click here.

.According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a male aged 50 can expect to live to 84 years old.

There is a one in four chance he will reach 93, but just a 4.4 per cent chance he will hit 100.

His wife, also 50 years old, has better odds, with a 7.4 per cent chance of becoming a centenarian.

Of course, life expectancies are averages and so won’t hold true for everyone. They are also based on assumptions nothing drastic will happen (such as a pandemic).

Your lifestyle, diet, weight, genetic make-up and wealth could all affect how long you will actually live for, with luck also playing a big role.

The ONS’ latest report on life expectancy in the UK reveals that one in five (19 per cent) of girls born this year will reach the ripe old age of 100.

The Government analysts also say a fewer 13.6 per cent of boys will become centenarians.


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