Married woman flogged 100 times for adultery but man gets just 15 lashes

Married woman flogged 100 times for adultery but man gets just 15 lashes

A cheating couple was publicly punished and received a total of 115 whips after they were caught having sex out of their own marriage.

Shocking video shared online shows the woman receiving 100 lashes after confessing to adultery.

She is led to a stage where a prosecutor flogs her back in front of the public.

Her punishment was briefly paused because she couldn’t bear the pain, according to reports. Her partner, who was also married, received only 15 lashes for committing the same offence.

The punishment was carried out at the Aceh province in western Indonesia, which is renowned for being a conservative area and the only part of the country where Sharia Law is used.

Ivan Najjar Alavi, the head of general investigation division at East Aceh prosecutors office, said the court handed down a heftier sentence for the married woman after she confessed to investigators that she had sex out of her marriage.

He added that the married man, who was then the head of East Aceh fishery agency, denied all the wrongdoings and the judges found it difficult to convict him.

“They are not able to prove whether he is guilty,” Ivan told the reporters on Thursday, January 13.

Read the full story in Daily Star


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