'I lied to get empty seat next to me on plane – flight attendants threatened me'

'I lied to get empty seat next to me on plane – flight attendants threatened me'


Flying on a plane can be incredibly uncomfortable, but a decent seat can undoubtedly make the journey more pleasant. Passengers who can’t experience first-class flights will argue that an empty seat beside them is arguably the next best thing.

A woman was raging, therefore, when a man sat beside her on a flight which wasn’t ‘even half full’. Taking it upon herself to make an excuse on why she wanted the seat vacant, the anonymous Reddit user claims flight attendants threatened her for her white lie.

Taking to the popular forum, the woman questioned: “Am I the a**hole for not wanting someone to sit next to me on a plane?”

She explained: “I (25F) had a flight. As we board, the gate agent says the flight is not even half full and they need us to spread out for even weight distribution. I was sitting in the middle seat and they kept repeating the flight was only half full, only 75 people on the flight.

“Almost literally the last second a man (50ish) walks on and states ‘I’ll sit next to you’ not even asking so that gave me a red flag about him and I say ‘actually my husband is going to sit here’. The truth is I am traveling alone but as a young woman I avoid telling people that.”

Despite having several empty seats throughout the plane and claiming her husband was sitting beside her, the man still insisted that he was keen to sit beside the woman.

She went on: “He states ‘then ill sit at the window’ so I say ‘the flight is only half full there’s tons of room’ and he just stands there.


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