‘I’ll carry my baby in the same womb I was grown in’: Mother donated her uterus to daughter in miracle transplant surgery

‘I’ll carry my baby in the same womb I was grown in’: Mother donated her uterus to daughter in miracle transplant surgery


Kirsty Bryant became the first person in Australia to receive a uterus transplant. Bryant and her mother, Michelle Hayton, underwent a 16-hour landmark transplant surgery at the Royal Hospital for Women in which her mother donated her uterus, providing Bryant with a chance of having children.

Bryant sacrificed her uterus in exchange for her life due to complications brought on by the birth of her first and thus only child in April 2021. In an interview with Australia’s ABC News, she said, “After my hysterectomy, I obviously was unable to carry another pregnancy.”

Although uterus transplants are now a clinical procedure, it has yet to be approved as a fully funded practice, requiring patients to pay for the procedure completely out of pocket. Fortunately, the Hayton-Bryant procedure was funded by donations.


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