Bloke slept with 800-year-old 'spiritual girlfriend' mummy he kept in food bag

Bloke slept with 800-year-old 'spiritual girlfriend' mummy he kept in food bag


A delivery driver was caught carrying around an 800-year-old Peruvian mummy he had dubbed his “spiritual girlfriend” inside a food cooler bag.

Julio Cesar Bermejo, 26, named the creepy corpse Juanita after failing to realise the body was that of a man, not a woman, and confessed in an interview that he even shared a bedroom with his long-deceased companion.

“It sleeps in my bedroom with me,” he told a local news outlet. “There’s my bed, the TV set and next to it, there’s Juanita.

“I take care of it. It’s like, if you’ll pardon the expression, as if it were my spiritual girlfriend.”

Police discovered Bermejo with his unusual love interest when he was spotted drinking beer at an archaeological site in Puno, Peru, on Saturday (February 25).

It is thought he had brought the cadaver along to a meet-up with friends to show it off. Bermejo denied trying to sell the mummy.

Police attended the scene and seized Juanita before surrendering the cadaver to the Ministry of Culture of Peru.


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