Dad shoots at naked man after finding him in teen daughter’s bed

Dad shoots at naked man after finding him in teen daughter’s bed


A man has been taken into custody after shooting at his roommates when he caught one of them naked in his teenage daughter’s room.

Dayne Victor Miller, 44, is facing charges after being arrested at his home on Wednesday (March 8).

He had called the police himself after confessing to firing a gun at two adults through a closed bedroom door, according to a statement made by Cape Coral officers in Florida.

Miller told dispatchers that he used the gun after finding one of the adults in his daughter’s room with no clothes on.

That person then told police that they had accidentally got into Miller’s daughter’s bed having drunk excessive amounts of alcohol.

It is alleged that the other roommate, their spouse, shouted out that they were in the wrong bedroom after Miller’s daughter alerted her dad that there was a naked man in her room.

The roommates claim that Miller then yelled “I’ll kill you!” before going on to fire a handgun up to four times into the floor from outside the couple’s closed bedroom door.


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