'Wife wants move to Portugal — I want to stay to have sex with her closest pal'

'Wife wants move to Portugal — I want to stay to have sex with her closest pal'


How do I tell my wife I don’t want a new life in Portugal – I want a divorce?

She wants to sell our place here and follow the sun. She’s found a little flat by a beach that looks idyllic.

Her plan sounds amazing, but I want out. I don’t love her and can no longer fake it. But the reality is I’m in a ­passionate (secret) relationship with one of her closest friends.

We meet for sex whenever my wife is out. We get naked and have a ball. My lover is married, and we both agree that we’re simply ­having fun.

I’m not pretending we’re going to be together forever, but I’ve tasted freedom and I want more. I dream of passion and sex with lots of other women.

I long to travel, meet new ­people and reinvent myself. I feel I’ve become stagnant and still have a lot of living to do.

My wife and I have been together for years, but I don’t feel anything for her any more. I don’t hate her, but I certainly don’t love or fancy her like I used to. Sex is a function like combing my hair or washing the car.

Sometimes I don’t even ­orgasm when we make love and I’m convinced she’s been faking it for ages.

Back in March her old boss flew her out to America for three months. They were working on a big contract and, I must confess, I didn’t miss her for one minute.


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