31 things that are normal to men but mind-blowing to women


Recently, Reddit user workdncsheets asked, “What are some things that are normal to men but mind blowing to women?” and as a woman, it was super interesting to see the replies. Here’s some things that apparently are super normal to men, but very strange to women (well, according to these men).

1. “A physical fight is not the end of all future interactions, it is an establishment of hierarchy, a message of ‘we both won’t just back down in the face of conflict,’ and depending on the outcome, proof that both can hold their ground and violence is actually no useful way to resolve conflict in the future. Which all in all can lead to greater friendship.”


“I grew up playing pick up ball with close friends.  If you ever saw us playing, you would think we all hated each other. The cursing, the yelling, even sometimes fists being thrown. Always hilarious that two of us would almost come to blows, get broken up…and then two hours later we’re laughing and joking around while grabbing food together.”


2. “Being treated as a danger regardless of what you do.”


“If you are not attractive enough, you must be a creep.”


“Being treated like a physical threat by someone you might not have even noticed is there (e.g. a woman crossing the street to avoid you). I’m not even saying women are unjustified in taking this precaution, but I’d bet most have never experienced it.”


3. “My ex-wife was so flabbergasted one time when she met two friends of mine, one of which I only knew his first name — the other, only his nickname. She thought I was lying because I knew them for over a decade. Their actual names never came up and weren’t necessary.”


“I worked with a guy once and my boss told me to ‘Get Dave’ to show me how to do something. We had both been there about a year. He was standing right next to us. I talked to him every day….I said, ‘Who the hell is Dave?’ I was happy when he used this as an opportunity to ask me what my name was.”


“I have gym bros I consider solid friends and I don’t even remember their names, and I know they don’t remember mine either. Doesn’t even matter.”


“One of my best friends growing up was introduced to me by his last name but no one told me that was his last name, so for nearly a decade I called him by his last name. And then one day one of his old friends came along and called him John. I stopped and flat out asked him what his name was, and he told me it was John. This was legitimately one of the best friends I’ve had in my entire life — he was in my wedding party, we vacationed together, our kids grew up together — and I didn’t know his name.”


4. Relatedly…”I don’t remember the birthday of my best friend of 12 years. i just know it’s in January.”


5. “Two guy friends could spend the afternoon together, have a grand time, come home, and have their respective wives be absolutely bewildered that they didn’t learn anything about what’s going on in the other guy’s life.”


“Your old college friend Jason met the love of his life. Your wife/girlfriend asks you what she does for a living. what kind of family is she from, what does she like to eat/do, who is her eighth favorite 18th century author…Your wife has no understanding that you don’t know and you don’t care.”



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