Three protests that rocked Lagos in 2021

Three protests that rocked Lagos in 2021


1. June 12 Memorial protest

June 12 has always been a date that reminds many Nigerians of the 1993 democratic election which was annulled by former Military Head of State, General Ibrahim Babangida. The annulment led to a protest nationwide against the military government’s decision which prevented the winner of the election, late Chief MKO Abiola, from being sworn in. 

On June 12, 2021, an apparent memorial was staged at Ojota in Lagos with a focus on bad governance in the country. Many youths, activists and members of the #RevolutionNow group stormed the Gani Fawehinmi Park to air their grievances with placards bearing different inscriptions. One placard by #RevolutionNow read, “Join the June 12 protest. No more poverty, hunger and insecurity in Nigeria… Enough Is Enough! Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.” 

The protesters were later dispersed after operatives of the Lagos State Police Command fired teargas canisters at them. This was frowned at by the convener of #RevolutionNow, Omoyele Sowore, who said there was no legal backing for the security forces to deter protesters.

According to him, “The Nigeria Police has no right to tell Nigerians not to participate in protests. It is an inalienable right. Our group will go ahead regardless of the obstacles. If the police decide to use unreasonable force, let it be known that the officers involved will be held responsible even after they retire.

“June 12 is about real democracy and free and fair elections; the Buhari regime reminds us all of the criminal annulment of democratic rule in 1993.”

2. Yoruba Nation protest

The protest which was held on July 3 in Ojota was staged by different Yoruba self-determination groups who want a separate nation for the Yoruba people of South-West Nigeria. They converged at the Gani Fawehinmi Park chanting solidarity songs while brandishing different placards. They were later dispersed by security operatives who fired teargas canisters and gunshots. One hawker, a young lady identified as Jumoke Oyeleke, was killed reportedly by a stray bullet allegedly fired by one of the security operatives on the ground.


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