Nigeria: Sex offenders face castration, removal of fallopian tubes

Nigeria: Sex offenders face castration, removal of fallopian tubes

To shame transgressors States of Kaduma and Lagos will also publicly display their pictures, and post them on websites

States in Nigeria have, in the past two years, introduced harsh measures to curb sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

In Kaduna and Lagos, for example, one earns a free ticket to either a castration chamber or public shaming register upon committing a sexual offence.

The executive secretary of Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA), Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi, recently said sex offenders would be made public. This, she said, was part of the State’s effort to stop occurrence of any new cases of SGBV.

To shame them, their names, pictures, nature of offence and term of imprisonment would be accessible to the public. These details would be periodically posted on three websites -DSVA’s, Lagos government and Ministry of Justice.


“This measure is one amongst many deployed by the state government to end the culture of impunity and also serve as a deterrence to other sex offenders,” Ms Adeniyi is quoted in a Guardian article published on March 11, 2022.

In Kaduna State, in northern…


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