Sussmann trial: MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC ignore testimony that Clinton OK’d leaking of Trump-Russian allegations

Sussmann trial: MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC ignore testimony that Clinton OK’d leaking of Trump-Russian allegations

Fox News

MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News and CBS News all ignored Friday’s bombshell testimony in which former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified Clinton approved the dissemination of materials to the media alleging a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, despite campaign officials not being “totally confident” in the legitimacy of the data.

“Left-wing media outlets shout from the rooftops that disinformation matters and is a threat to democracy. Unless, of course, it makes Democrats or the press look bad,” radio host Jason Rantz told Fox News Digital. 

The mainstream media has largely avoided covering the trial of ex-Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to the FBI. He told former FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016 that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and attended a meeting where he presented data and white papers allegedly demonstrating a backchannel between the Trump Organization and the Kremlin-tied Alfa Bank. 

MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News and CBS News have ignored the trial since it began on May 15 and continued the blackout after Friday’s stunning revelation.

Baker previously testified that the bureau investigated the data alleging a Trump connection to the Kremlin-linked bank, and found “there was nothing there.” Mook was called to the stand  by Sussmann’s defense, and during cross-examination he was asked about the campaign’s understanding of the Alfa Bank allegations against Trump and whether they planned to release the data to the media.

Mook said the campaign was not totally confident in the legitimacy of the data but eventually admitted Clinton herself approved “the dissemination” of the information to the media. 

“She agreed,” Mook testified. “All I remember is that she agreed with the decision.”

MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News and CBS News didn’t report the news on air through Sunday night, according to a search of transcripts. None of the networks have mentioned the names “Mook” or “Sussmann” since the testimony.


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