How children in Abuja communities study in schools without roof

How children in Abuja communities study in schools without roof


SEVERAL children in Sadaba and Kundu communities in Kwali Area Council of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, have withdrawn from school since storms blew off the roofs of the only public primary school in the villages in 2014 and 2020. 

The wind affected Kundu school more as about five roofing sheets were left on one of the twin blocks of three classrooms and an office.

Since 2020, the school’s pupils in primary one to three have had no roof over them. 

The ICIR reporter visited the school on Thursday, 27 April, and saw the block without a roof spattered with human faeces and other wastes. Children were still on holiday at the time.

The reporter was also at the school in the first week of May, after schools had resumed, and the classrooms had been swept by the children.

He saw the pupils sit in the unroofed classrooms under the scorching sun.

More than 60 per cent of pupils in the affected block no longer attend school, the community leaders told The ICIR.

“Our pupils are scorched and drenched daily by the sun and rain. We have faced these for almost three years,” said one of the school teachers…


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