Good tidings on the way

Good tidings on the way


By Funmi Komolafe


Congratulations, I’m sure you had a merry Christmas. We give thanks to God that has made you see this day. Indeed, with the grace of the Almighty God, you have gone through 363 days of this year. Today, you have barely 48 hours to go. By the grace of the Almighty God, you will see the end of 2019. You will send away the year 2019 joyfully in Jesus name.

Brethren, we would not be truthful if say the year 2019 has been without challenges. Indeed, we have had ups and downs but the grace of God; the living God has kept us above those challenges.

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Have you spent the greater part of 2019 praying about challenges and it seems answers aren’t coming? I have good news for you, you will cross over into 2020 without those challenges in Jesus name. Don’t bother about how it will happen just continue to trust God.

Do you know that between December 29 and December 31, some women that have been waiting on the Lord for the fruits of the womb are going to get pregnant?

Some singles are going to meet their marriage partners. Some people will also receive letters of appointment to commence work in January. How do I know? I am sure that God is not on holiday. He has not forgotten you.

By the Divine touch of Jesus, many are going to be healed. Many will step out of the sick hospital beds into their homes before the New Year.

Brethren, are you thinking of how it will happen? That isn’t your business. Your duty is to be hopeful and have faith in the Lord.
Begin to look ahead for good tidings. What are good tidings? If a person says to you, I bring you good tidings, what does it mean? A common definition says it means, that such a person has “ information to share that you’ll probably like”.

Tidings an old English word means, “ to happen”.
Luke 2 vs. 10 is our first point of reference. It states, “ And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people”.

This was part of the conversation of the angel of the Lord with shepherds that saw a sign that a Saviour is born.
Brethren, this message is still relevant today. Whatever, you have been passing through as long as you believe that Jesus lives, you need not fear for good tidings of great joy are on your way.

Good tidings are always joyful news.
Begin to look away from the challenge. Let your spiritual eyes see you hold a pregnancy positive result. Begin to see yourself as an employer instead of employee. See yourself in a marriage registry. Once your Spirit man begins to see these good tidings, sooner than you expect, your miracle will manifest in the Jesus name.

The book of prophet Isaiah 40 vs. 9-11 also tells us something about good tidings.
“ O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be no afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! Behold the Lord God will come with a strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him and his work before him”.

Brethren note again “ be not afraid”. A fearful Christian cannot be a victorious one. Fear of challenges is a demonstration of doubt in the ability of God to subdue all challenges. Cast our fear and you will experience the mighty hand of of the Almighty God.

Verse 11 of Isaiah 40 further tells us what happens to those who fear not “ He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young”.

Are you confident that God can carry you in his bosom? Do you have faith that he can feed you and keep you within his arms?
If your answer is in the affirmative, certainly good tidings are your portion. Sooner than you expect in Jesus name.

This isn’t the time to despair. It is the time to rejoice and be full of expectations for good tidings.
For someone in business, rather than making profit, you have been sinker deeper in debt, begin to declare to yourself the words of the later part of Deuteronomy 28 vs. 12 “ and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow”.

In the name of Jesus indebtedness is rolling away with 2019.
Brethren every challenge, every fruitless effort is about to roll away if you are able to hold on to your faith.

Our Lord Jesus admonished us in Mark 11 vs. 22 & 23 “ And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he smith”.

The master has given us the key. It is not up to you and I to exercise our faith. For many of us, we have not received answers to our prayers because we have not totally surrendered to Jesus. A person who has fully surrendered to Jesus need not allow worries about challenges to weigh him or her down. Though this does not mean that one should have a carefree attitude.

Our Saviour further told us in verse 24 of Mark 11 “ Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall receive them”.

Woman, begin to see yourself carry that baby or babies you desire to have. Do you know that for those years of waiting, God could give you multiple babies? He is able to surprise you.

As usual, I share with you the story of a daughter of one of my friends. She got married about four years ago and has been waiting on the Lord for children. Herself and her husband are not just Christians; they are workers in Christ Embassy.

While waiting, she kept telling her anxious mum not to worry that all she knows is that she would only go to the delivery room once in her life and have all her children.

In other words, she meant that she would have multiple babies and that would be all.

Perhaps she expected a set of twins, no one knew because she did not verbalize it to anyone not even her own mother.
Suddenly, she took in and lo and behold, it was a set of triplets. Eventually, she gave birth to a set of triplets, two girls and a boy.
The point here is that what she has been saying with her mouth became her testimony.

That was a great demonstration of faith. Whereas her mates within four years had two children, God in his mercy, gave her three at once and she overtook her friends.

This season, as the Lord lives, God will give you a miracle that will surprise you, your friends and even your foes.
Editors Note: Our gratitude to the Almighty God that has made it possible for Joyful homes to be published without fail within the year, 2019. We also thank our faithful readers and our dedicated Editors of Sunday Vanguard. Wishing you all a happy and blessed new year in 2020.

Happy New Year in advance.


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