Deja Vu All Over Again: Will Biden Speech Denigrate Half The Country As Threats To Democracy Wednesday Night?

Deja Vu All Over Again: Will Biden Speech Denigrate Half The Country As Threats To Democracy Wednesday Night?

On September 1, President Joe Biden gave a prime-time address warning the United States that “MAGA forces” around the country were posing imminent threats to democracy.

The speech was widely decried as authoritarian and despotic. The U.S. had never seen anything like it. Pundits were convinced that the White House would never try something so out of touch again.

We were wrong.

On Wednesday, the White House announced that Biden would be giving a speech for the Democratic National Committee focusing on Trump supporters and the threats posed by Republicans should they win midterm elections next week. The event will take place at the historic Union Station in D.C.

“He has been clear democracy is under assault and we cannot pretend otherwise,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said of the president on Wednesday. “The president will continue to call attention to the threat to democratic integrity and to public safety posed by those who deny the documented truth about…


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