A homeless encampment was swept away by flash flooding in California: five presumed dead

Five people are presumed dead and five were rescued after a homeless encampment was swept more than three miles downstream by flash flooding in southern California.

At least ten people were sheltered in a park in Ontario, a city around 40 miles east of LA, when fast moving currents carried them into multiple water basins.

Firefighters recovered five people from the basins alive. A water rescue team sent divers out in dinghies to search for those missing and as of Tuesday evening had recovered one body. 

As of Wednesday morning only six people were thought to have been carried downstream but by the afternoon it was estimated that more than ten were caught in the wash.

Ontario Fire Department first responded to reports at around 9.45am on Tuesday that people were caught in the Cucamonga wash, which had swept them from a flood tunnel in John Galvin Park.

On Wednesday afternoon the fire department said that it was no longer carrying out a rescue mission for the remaining individuals but…


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