Biden Takes Victory Lap After Avoiding The Traditional Midterm 'Shellacking'

Biden Takes Victory Lap After Avoiding The Traditional Midterm 'Shellacking'

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden took a victory lap Wednesday after pulling off the best midterm election results in two decades.

“It was a good day, I think, for democracy. And it was a good day for America,” Biden said in remarks at a news conference in the State Dining Room.

Democrats will almost certainly lose the House, but in numbers nowhere close to the two or three dozen that had been projected as late as Monday. And the party could well hold the Senate if two of the three incumbent Democrats in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia wind up on top.

Biden’s outcome, nevertheless, is the best for any sitting president since Republican George W. Bush, who, in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, picked up eight seats in the House and two in the Senate in the 2002 midterms.

Bush then lost 32 seats in the House and six in the Senate in his second-term midterms in 2006. Democrat Barack Obama lost 63 seats in the House and six in the Senate in 2010, and…


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