BREAKING: Tennessee Introduces Legislation To Ban Trans Treatments For Minors

BREAKING: Tennessee Introduces Legislation To Ban Trans Treatments For Minors

Tennessee lawmakers have filed a bill to ban the controversial practice of pediatric medical gender transition in the state. 

Tennessee Majority Leaders William Lamberth and Jack Johnson, both Republicans, introduced the Protecting Children from Gender Mutilation Act on Wednesday, November 9, which would effectively bar doctors from prescribing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and performing gender-related surgeries on minors for the purpose of medical transition. It would also allow patients and their families to sue for damages and let the courts impose an additional $25,000 penalty for each violation.

“This bill is about protecting children,” said Johnson. “Under no circumstances should minors be allowed to undergo irreversible elective procedures to mutilate body parts and intentionally harm their reproductive systems. This practice comes with lifelong health complications that children are not capable of understanding.”

The Republican leaders committed to writing…


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