Mistakes were made, it's time to move on — from Trump.

Mistakes were made, it's time to move on — from Trump.

Speaking of yesterday, Trump choked his candidate endorsements this year. Once again, he caused the GOP to lose winnable races in a year when the table was set for major Republican gains.

It’s not second-guessing to complain now about the Trump-endorsed candidates who underperformed in key Senate races. Conservatives not blinded by Trump, or made fearful by him, complained about candidates like Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz months ago. (Reportedly, Trump now blames his wife for the Oz endorsement.) Blake Masters and Don Bolduc also belong on the list, along with some key gubernatorial and House candidates. …

If Republicans pick Trump in 2024, they will pick a bad candidate. And they will have themselves to blame if they lose.


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