Can’t Make It Up: Mexican Prez Thanks Biden For Building ‘Not Even One Meter’ Of Border Wall

Can’t Make It Up: Mexican Prez Thanks Biden For Building ‘Not Even One Meter’ Of Border Wall

In defense of illegal immigration, liberals often argue that Latin Americans do the jobs that U.S. citizens simply don’t want to do. Those who make such claims typically wind up sounding racist, such as the time Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wondered who would pick the crops if not for illegal aliens.

Perhaps those Democrats were proven right on Tuesday. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador just did the job that the liberal media apparently doesn’t want to do at all: Tell the truth about President Joe Biden’s abdication of border security.

During a joint appearance of the three North American countries, AMLO  — as Biden’s counterpart is known — thanked the U.S. president for not building one iota of wall along the southern border in stark contrast to his predecessors.

“President Biden, you are the first president of the United States in a very long time that has not built not even one meter of wall. And we thank you for that,” AMLO said, flanked by…


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