Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Private Office Contained ‘Top Secret’ Material: Report

Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Private Office Contained ‘Top Secret’ Material: Report

Documents found at President Joe Biden’s private office reportedly contained “top secret” materials, according to CBS News.

A federal law enforcement told the outlet of the presence of top-secret information within the 10 classified documents already known to have been recovered from Biden’s vice presidential office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., but the report did not share details about their specific contents.

A source previously told CNN the classified documents found at Biden’s private academic office among other unclassified papers contained U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials on Iran, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. Biden used office while working as an honorary professor for the University of Pennsylvania from 2017 to 2019, when he was not the vice president and before he was elected president.

There are three security classification categories used by the United States: confidential, secret, and top secret. The unauthorized disclosure of…


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