Ex-Clinton WH Official: Biden In ‘Very, Very Big’ Trouble Over Document Scandal, Will Get ‘Creamed’

Ex-Clinton WH Official: Biden In ‘Very, Very Big’ Trouble Over Document Scandal, Will Get ‘Creamed’

Former Clinton administration official David Gergen, now a political analyst at CNN, warned late this week that Biden was in for a nightmare over the classified document scandal.

When asked by network opinion host Anderson Cooper how big of a mess Biden was in, Gergen responded, “It’s very, very big.”

“Not legally, but politically,” Gergen claimed. “It’s a very, very big deal.”

Gergen’s claim may not be entirely accurate, as Attorney General Merrick Garland announced last week that he appointed a special counsel to oversee the federal investigation into the scandal.

“I do think that they, that the Biden people, they may be making a big mistake,” Gergen said. “I don’t think sitting there, hunkering down now, you’re just acting like it’s not out there … they’re going to get creamed doing that.”

Gergen said that the way the Biden administration has handled the matter is going to lead the American public to ask the question, “What are they hiding?”
