PT State of the Race: How presidential candidates plan to tackle insecurity in Nigeria

PT State of the Race: How presidential candidates plan to tackle insecurity in Nigeria

Insecurity is perhaps the biggest of Nigeria’s manifold challenges. Whatever the next government plans to do, stemming the tide of violent criminalities across the country must be top of the agenda.

This is because the primary responsibility of a government is to ensure the security of lives and property. Government loses its essence where there is no public order and peace, and where citizens and other residents cannot carry out their legitimate activities under the assurance of their personal safety.

Section 33 (1) of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria provides that “every person has a right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria.”

Under siege

However, thousands of Nigerians are being deprived of lives and property by criminals almost every week. In the North-east, Boko Haram has waged a bloody insurgency for the past…


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