Democratic kingmaker Clyburn ‘all-in’ for Biden 2024, issues warning against primary challengers

Democratic kingmaker Clyburn ‘all-in’ for Biden 2024, issues warning against primary challengers

Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, a kingmaker in Democratic Party politics, vigorously endorsed President Biden for re-election on Wednesday and warned members of his party against challenging the sitting president. 

“I’m all-in for President Biden,” Clyburn told CBS’ Robert Costa in an interview. “I think he’s demonstrated, in these two years … that he is deserving of re-election. And I do believe he will be re-elected irrespective of who the Republicans, they put up.” 

Clyburn is the assistant Democratic leader in the House and a well-respected and influential ally of the White House. His endorsement of Biden in 2020 is widely credited with delivering South Carolina for the president in the Democratic primaries, resurrecting Biden’s campaign after defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire. 

He said he’s been talking with Biden and has encouraged him to run for re-election by campaigning against the new Republican majority in the House.  



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