Mike Pompeo on Biden classified docs: We ought to have a single set of rules for everyone

Mike Pompeo on Biden classified docs: We ought to have a single set of rules for everyone

Fox News contributor and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reflected on the shortcomings of the current system used to track classified documents in his analysis of President Biden’s troubles Wednesday on “Your World.”

MIKE POMPEO: Classified documents ought to be kept in the place that classified documents are supposed to be kept by everyone, whether you’re a listed soldier, whether you’re the president of the United States, whether you’re working the Department of Energy, wherever it might be, the former CIA director. Keep this stuff where it’s supposed to be kept. Second, can we not make this political? Can we hold accountable those who do this wrong?


I’ve watched lots of young soldiers be administratively prosecuted for letting information get where it wasn’t supposed to be. And yet some of America’s most senior leaders seem to think that, “Nope, it’s okay.” We ought to have a single set of rules for everyone. We…


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