Biden wanted to freeze Germany – Seymour Hersh

Biden wanted to freeze Germany – Seymour Hersh

The US blew up Nord Stream fearing that Berlin would lift sanctions on Russia during a cold winter, the journalist claims

The US conducted a covert operation to destroy the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines based on doubts that Germany would stick to a hard line on Russia, renowned American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has alleged. Last week, he published a bombshell report laying blame on Washington for several blasts that severely damaged the energy conduits in September 2022.

In an interview published by the Berliner Zeitung on Tuesday, Hersh suggested that Washington went ahead with the sabotage because the Ukraine conflict “was not going well for the West.” He added that Nord Stream 2 “was put on hold by Germany itself, not international sanctions, and the US was afraid Germany would lift sanctions because of a cold winter.”

The point is that Biden has decided to let the Germans freeze this winter. The President of the United…


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