Kash Patel: NORAD ‘saying it could be space aliens’ is attempt to shift narrative away from ‘Joe Biden’s failures’

Kash Patel: NORAD ‘saying it could be space aliens’ is attempt to shift narrative away from ‘Joe Biden’s failures’

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the acting secretary of defense, said NORAD’s chief’s refusal to rule out extraterrestrial origins of airborne objects shot down from the skies in Canada and the U.S. is a deliberate distraction away from President Joe Biden’s “failures.”

Patel assessed China’s recent deployment of a high-altitude balloon into U.S. airspace reflects a brazenness as a product of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) perceptions of the Biden administration’s weakness.

“The fact that China would even dare to do this is is a problem,” he remarked. “China has decided to attack the United States of America by launching a balloon to collect intelligence, and we allowed it to fly over our territorial waters and land for seven days before doing anything.”

He continued, “As a former intel guy I can tell you, they have seven days of collection over our heartland, over our missile silos, over our farmland, and over people that they were siphoning back to China as this thing was running around over America and Joe Biden did nothing.”

China’s surveillance balloon amounted to a propaganda victory for the one-party state and a signal of American weakness to America’s adversaries.

Patel stated, “The Chinese have now an immense propaganda victory, too. They say ‘One, we did. Two, we got away with it. Three, they didn’t do anything about it for a week,’ which shows our enemies they can do the same thing to us which is even more problematic, and we’re talking about one balloon. What about all the others we didn’t see and find?”

Patel described NORAD’s evasive answer on extraterrestrial origins of airborne objects as political spin to shield President Joe Biden from critical analysis.

“We have a missile defense commander in NORAD saying it could be space aliens,” Patel stated. “This guy — who used to work for me when I was chief of staff at DOD — is out there saying — the top commander to protect North America — that aliens have not been ruled out. That’s the message from the Department of Defense. That does not happen without coordination from the White House, meaning, that stuff is scripted, because they want the narrative to shift off anything but Joe Biden’s failures.”


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