Nolte: U.S. Intel Says Biden Likely Shot Down Three ‘Benign’ Objects

Nolte: U.S. Intel Says Biden Likely Shot Down Three ‘Benign’ Objects

The White House confirmed Tuesday that Joe Biden shot down three objects over the last few days without knowing what they were.

That’s the only way to interpret the latest news…

“The U.S. intelligence community’s leading explanation for the three most recent unidentified objects shot down over North America,” reports far-left NBC News, “is that they were being used for commercial or benign purposes, the White House says.”

Biden shot down three objects most likely that were “being used for commercial or benign purposes[.]”

Oh, brother.

That lunatic Biden is shooting everything out of the sky EXCEPT the Chinese spy balloon, which he allowed to drift over our country unmolested for days.

So… According to this NBC story, the worse (and most likely) explanation is that Biden shot down objects that were no threat to anyone and might have been privately owned. But…

The BEST case scenario is that Biden was shooting off missiles over Lake Huron and elsewhere…


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