Swedish PM issues update on NATO prospects

Swedish PM issues update on NATO prospects

Stockholm has indicated it is willing to abandon its goal of synchronizing accession with Finland

Sweden may be forced to abandon its plan to join NATO alongside Finland and instead become part of the military bloc at a later date, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has admitted. The Swedish premier claimed that such a path would not constitute a failure.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Kristersson described the potential entry of his country to NATO separately from Finland as an “unfortunate” scenario, resulting mainly from “Türkiye making Turkish decisions.” However, this route into the alliance “would not be a failure,” he added.

Kristersson’s remarks came shortly after NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg insisted that the “main question is not whether Finland and Sweden are ratified together,” but “that they are both ratified as full members as soon as possible.

Sweden and Finland tendered their official NATO…


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