Postal Service Buys Nearly 10,000 Electric Vehicles As Biden Pushes For Electrified Federal Fleet

Postal Service Buys Nearly 10,000 Electric Vehicles As Biden Pushes For Electrified Federal Fleet

The United States Postal Service announced the purchase of 9,250 electric vehicles and 14,000 charging stations on Wednesday as the Biden administration continues efforts to phase internal combustion vehicles out of the federal fleet.

Officials unveiled the move as an early stage of a broader electrification strategy that will involve the purchase of 66,000 electric vehicles by 2028. The agency also awarded contracts for 9,250 conventional internal combustion vehicles due to the urgent need for new equipment.

“We are moving forward with our plans to simultaneously improve our service, reduce our cost, grow our revenue, and improve the working environment for our employees. Electrification of our vehicle fleet is now an important component of these initiatives,” Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said in a statement. “We have developed a strategy that mitigates both cost and risk of deployment, which enable execution on this initiative to begin now.”

The total investment in the…


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