Polish woman faces five years in prison for praising Putin, Russian invasion of Ukraine

Polish woman faces five years in prison for praising Putin, Russian invasion of Ukraine

A 59-year-old woman in Poland is facing up to five years in prison for posting pro-Russian sentiments on Facebook last year.

Marzena T. appeared this week before a court in the city Wrocław accused of praising a “war of aggression”, which can come with a hefty five-year prison sentence in Poland, which like most European Union member-states does not have First Amendment-style freedom of speech protections.

The 59-year-old teacher was accused of writing posts on her Facebook page praising the Russian invasion of Ukraine between February and May of last year, the Polish Press Agency (PAP) reported.

In the posts, which were read before the court by Judge Artur Kosmala, she said: “I believe in the victory of Russia and help us Slavs, thank you in advance and pray for Russia”.

“For freedom, this is what Putin is fighting for his people,” the teacher also wrote, going on to claim that “President Putin leads all nations oppressed by Zionism, he leads all Slavs,…


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