Biden Demands 15% Budget Increase for IRS, Boosting B Previously Allocated

Biden Demands 15% Budget Increase for IRS, Boosting $79B Previously Allocated

President Joe Biden requested American taxpayers increase IRS funding by 15 percent in fiscal year 2024 to crack down on tax cheats — even as his son Hunter Biden is under investigation for tax violations.

The proposed 15 percent increase is in addition to the previously allocated $79 billion over the next decade from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

“Biden’s $6.8 trillion budget requests an additional $1.8 billion for the IRS, boosting the agency’s overall funding to $14.1 billion,” the Washington Times reported. “The additional revenue would account for a 15% boost from the more than $12 billion that Congress approved for the agency in December”:

The White House’s budget includes $290 million in new funding to modernize the tax processing infrastructure at the IRS. Senate Republicans forced Mr. Biden to strip…


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