Manchin: Biden Is Breaking Law on Inflation Reduction Act, Falsely Framing it as a Green Bill

Manchin: Biden Is Breaking Law on Inflation Reduction Act, Falsely Framing it as a Green Bill

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) accused the Biden administration of trying to “reconfigure” the Inflation Reduction Act “to something that…wasn’t in that legislation” and said the administration is “not adhering to the piece of legislation called the Inflation Reduction Act. They have touted that as strictly an environmental bill” when it isn’t.

Manchin stated that his opposition to Daniel Werfel’s nomination to be IRS Commissioner “was a message I’m sending because the President and his administration [are] not adhering to the piece of legislation called the Inflation Reduction Act. They have touted that as strictly an environmental bill, and I can assure you, we put that together and negotiated after we put it together…it was for energy security. My goodness, when you saw Putin do what he did with energy and you know what’s happening to our friends in the EU and Europe and all over, and then basically…


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