Biden Family Got Over A Million From China But Nobody In The Democrat-Media Complex Cares

There is an old rap remix by Asher Roth of “I Love College” fame that states, “A million here, a million there. Yeah, you got a mil, but for real dog, nobody cares.”

Unfortunately, that lyric also describes the legacy media and Democratic Party’s reaction to Congressman James Comer’s (R-KY) bombshell report last week that a Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company doled out at least a million dollars to members of the Biden family via Hunter Biden’s business partner for unexplained reasons in 2017.

Well, screw ’em. Legacy media and the Democrats are not needed to make sure that this potential national embarrassment and security risk of a scandal is fully exposed, with those who allegedly broke the law put on trial.

That being said, you would think — or maybe hope — that at least one member of the media would be curious and think: “How is it that so many members of the Biden family — including Beau’s widow Hallie and one relative named only ‘Biden’…


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