Biden: ‘I Applaud China … Excuse Me, I Applaud Canada’

Paging Dr. Freud, you’re needed in the West Wing.

President Joe Biden spent the last couple of days visiting his ol’ comrade and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Friday afternoon, the leader of the free world went to thank his host country for their new commitment to accept 150,000 individuals from Latin America.

Only, it didn’t come out the way he planned —and as Freudian slips go, it was a big one.

“Today, I applaud China for stepping up,” Biden said before Parliament. “Excuse me, I applaud Canada.”

Unfortunately, the error caused his audience to laugh in his face.

Considering the Biden family’s mysterious financial connections to the Chinese Communist Party, this administration’s feckless diplomacy toward the country, and even White House climate czar John Kerry’s dogged determination to make China his bestie, it is easy to see…


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