Global South solidarity is the key to lifting up Central America — not Washington’s Monroe Doctrine

Global South solidarity is the key to lifting up Central America — not Washington’s Monroe Doctrine

The US is angry at Latin American nations getting close to China, but the only alternative on offer is imperialist exploitation

Honduran President Xiomara Castro caused a stir in the media when, on March 14, she remarked that she instructed her foreign minister to re-establish diplomatic ties with China.

This was met with strong approval  in Beijing while Honduran Foreign Minister Enrique Reina reiterated that his nation is seeking “all the mechanisms that the international relationship serves for the interests of the people” and that his nation must “cooperate with the largest nations in the world.”

But, of course, the move was met with disgust in Washington, which, through its dated “Monroe Doctrine” that places the Western Hemisphere firmly in the US sphere of influence, sees itself as the overlord of Latin America. For example, US Senator Bill Cassidy said on Twitter that Honduras was moving closer to China “while the world is…


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