Putin highlights EU’s growing dependence on China

Putin highlights EU’s growing dependence on China

Trade volumes between the two are growing much more rapidly than between Beijing and Moscow, the Russian president has said

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed claims of Russia’s growing economic dependence on China, saying in an interview with Russia 24 TV on Saturday that Brussels has much more to worry about in this regard than Moscow.

When asked by interviewer Pavel Zarubin about Moscow’s alleged overreliance on trade with Beijing, Putin replied by saying that those are the “words not of skeptics but of enviers.” According to the president, there have always been forces seeking to drive a wedge first between China and the USSR and later between China and Russia.

The Russian leader also warned that the EU should be worried not about Russia’s trade policies but about its own relations with Beijing. “Dependence of the European economy on China … is growing much faster than that of Russia,” he said, adding that “trade…


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