Sub-Saharan Africa: Conflicts continue to cause suffering amid double standards, failure of leadership

Sub-Saharan Africa: Conflicts continue to cause suffering amid double standards, failure of leadership

  • Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 2022 highlights double standards throughout the world on human rights and the failure of the international community to unite around consistently applied human rights and universal values to protect rights.
  • Women’s rights as well as the freedom to protest are threatened as states fail to protect and respect rights at home.
  • As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75, Amnesty International insists that a rules-based international system must be founded on human rights and applied to everyone, everywhere.

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 generated a global energy and food crisis, which hit Africa hard, and sought to further disrupt weak multilateral and regional systems meant to protect human rights on the continent. It also laid bare the inconsistent responses to crises around the world. While Western states as well as some African states reacted forcefully to the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine,…


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