Binani, Buhari: Hurt, guilt and forgiveness, By Festus Adedayo

Binani, Buhari: Hurt, guilt and forgiveness, By Festus Adedayo

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So, where do we begin to forgive Buhari? How appropriately can we delineate the province of the massive hurts he brought on the land in eight years? In propounding the theory of forgiveness, ideological purist, Jose Zalaquett, said that the first step to take is acknowledgement of guilt. Same was stated by Krog that: “Perpetrators need to acknowledge the wrong they did. Why? It creates a communal starting point.”

President Muhammadu Buhari, on Friday, asked Nigerians who he might have hurt in his near eight-year misrule, to forgive him. Similarly, a section of the social…


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