Hillary Clinton says Biden’s age is an ‘Issue’ voters should consider

Hillary Clinton encouraged voters to contemplate President Joe Biden‘s age when they head to the ballot box in 2024.

“His age is an issue, and people have every right to consider it,” Clinton said during an event in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.

Already the oldest person to be president at 80, Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term. He announced in April that he is seeking re-election.

Biden’s tendency to lose his train of thought while speaking and moments caught on camera where he has tripped or fallen over have spurred concerns about his fitness to serve.

Financial Times editor Edward Luce, who was interviewing 75-year-old Clinton, brought up one “heart-stopping” example when Biden stumbled down a set of stairs at the G7 Summit in Japan.

“It’s a concern for anyone,” Clinton replied. “We’ve had presidents who had fallen before who were a lot younger, and people didn’t go into heart palpitations.”

While some of Biden’s allies have defended him


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