Republicans Amp Up Biden Bribe Rumor Following Trump Indictment

WASHINGTON — Because the U.S. Department of Justice indicted former President Donald Trump, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) announced Monday that he had no choice but to publicize unconfirmed dirt about President Joe Biden.

Grassley then revealed during a speech from the Senate floor that a foreign national claimed in 2020 to have audio recordings of himself discussing a $5 million bribe with Biden and his son Hunter when Biden was vice president.

“It is clear that the Justice Department and FBI will use every resource to investigate candidate Trump, President Trump, and former President Trump,” Grassley said. “Based on the facts known to the Congress and the public, it is clear that the Justice Department and the FBI haven’t nearly had the same laser focus on the Biden family.”

The unverified Biden bribe allegation has emerged as a top Republican talking point in response to questions about the charges against Trump, whom the Justice Department has accused of refusing to…


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