Biden’s DHS Extends ‘Temporary’ Amnesty for Over 300K Foreign Nationals in U.S.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced the extension of temporary amnesty status for more than 300,000 foreign nationals living throughout the United States who would otherwise be illegal aliens.

On Tuesday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the agency would rescind former President Trump’s decisions to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a quasi-amnesty program, for Hondurans, El Salvadorans, Nicaruguans, and Nepalese in the U.S.

Instead, about 333,500 nationals from the four countries will be allowed to extend their TPS status for 18 more months – through July 2025 for some nationals.Mayorkas said:

[With] the extension of Temporary Protected Status, we are able to offer continued safety and protection to current beneficiaries who are nationals of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua who are already present in the United States and cannot return because of the impacts of environmental disasters,”

Though TPS was…


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