GOP Congressman: Biden Admin Has ‘Brazenly Hijacked’ AIDS Program to Push Abortion in Africa

The Biden administration is allegedly using a Bush-era program that delivers AIDS relief to Africa, called PEPFAR, to promote its pro-abortion agenda abroad, Republican Congressman Chris Smith (NJ) told Breitbart News on Monday. 

“President Biden has brazenly hijacked this foreign aid program in order to promote the killing of unborn children by poison, starvation, and dismemberment,” alleged Smith, who is the prime sponsor of the 2018 PEPFAR reauthorization bill that was enacted into law. “Those of us who support the noble goals of PEPFAR are sickened at heart by Biden’s 2022 radical ‘reimagining PEPFAR’ strategic plan that ‘integrates’ abortion promotion with HIV/AIDS projects.”

“In plain language, the Biden Administration further directs PEPFAR to work with organizations seeking to get rid of life-affirming laws in other countries,” Smith continued. “That is unacceptable. Congress must act to protect PEPFAR—which was created to provide care to…


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