Kudlow on Consumers Research Report About Bank of America: The Worst Woke Story Ive Seen

“This is the worst woke story I’ve seen,” Fox Business host Larry Kudlow said about Bank of America’s use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics against its own customers.

Kudlow made his comments during a Friday interview on his WABC radio show with Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney. The topic of discussion was a Breitbart report about the “Bank of UnAmerica” ad campaign launched by the advocacy group Consumers’ Research highlighting Bank of America’s ESG agenda.

“There’s this tremendous story up on Breitbart about Bank of America’s wokeness,” Kudlow said. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s, I guess, the second largest bank in the United States monitoring your purchases, tracking your emissions, helping fund abortions, attacking your Second Amendment rights, and forcing environment, social, and governance metrics (ESG) to potentially lock individuals and businesses out of key banking services.”



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