Meet the Ukrainian Oligarch Who Allegedly Paid Joe Biden $5 Million

Mykola Zlochevsky, a former Ukrainian minister and founder of Burisma Holdings, allegedly paid President Joe Biden $5 million and possesses two audio records as insurance to secure the pay-for-play scheme, according to Republican lawmakers.

Zlochevsky’s whereabouts today are unknown. Some speculate he is in Monaco, where he reportedly fled in 2019, escaping Ukraine after being suspected of embezzlement. He reportedly bought Cypriot citizenship between 2017 and 2019, according to an investigation by Al Jazeera.

In 2002, Zlochevsky co-founded Burisma, which allegedly changed owners in 2011 to an offshore Cypriot investment fund. According to the Guardian, from 2010 to 2012, Zlochevsky was Ukraine’s Ecology and Natural Resources Minister and was Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council from April 2012 through February 2014. As the environment minister, some accuse Zlochevsky of handing out gas licenses to his cronies, the British daily newspaper…


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