Top Republican calls for inspector general probe into Biden energy secretary’s stock ownership

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., issued a formal request for an inspector general investigation into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm after she admitted to making false statements about her stock ownership.

Barrasso — the ranking member on the Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee — penned a letter Wednesday to Department of Energy (DOE) Inspector General Teri Donaldson, arguing that Granholm’s repeated financial mishaps required a probe. On Friday, Granholm quietly acknowledged that she owned individual stocks despite her past testimony and disclosures indicating the opposite.

“Secretary Granholm’s repeated noncompliance with established financial rules and regulations, in addition to her disregard for ethical standards, has contributed to the erosion of the public’s trust not only in her, but the Department of Energy as a whole,” Barrasso wrote to Donaldson.

“It is imperative that impropriety on the part of cabinet officials is taken seriously, the dignity of the offices in…


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