For Biden White House COVID Masks Will Never Go Away

Remember how a while ago, like, quite a while ago, we were all done with COVID and the masks and the social distancing?

Well, not Democrats — and not President Joe Biden. For them, COVID will never end, we’ll all wear masks forever and everyone will stay six feet from others until the end of time.

The White House sent out an email this week to visitors attending an event to honor NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams at “College Athlete Day.” The message, from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs to members of Congress, listed the protocols (long abandoned by sane people).

“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds,” the email said.

Forget that social distancing doesn’t really work (if you believe those IQ-challenged wonks at the…


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