House Intel Chair On Viewing The Classified Docs Trump Biden Had At Their Residences: Grave Concern

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) said he has “grave concern” after seeing the classified material that both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden stored at their private residences.

Turner told Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees had a chance to view the documents that the two men stored at their homes — which have prompted federal criminal investigations in both cases.

“I can tell you that, from having looked at both of those documents, I have grave concern about both of those type of documents being out in an unsecured place,” he said. “Both of them included details of national security issues that should not have been outside of a controlled environment.”

Turner, who has defended Trump in the past, said his committee will look in a bipartisan manner at what laws need to be changed to ensure this situation does not happen again.



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