Indiana Joe: Jeffrey Katzenberg Tells Biden to ‘Own’ His Old Age like Harrison Ford

With his advanced age and obvious cognitive and physical decline hurting his popularity even among die-hard Democrats, President Joe Biden has received some sage advice from his pal Jeffrey Katzenberg  — be more like Indiana Jones!

Jeffrey Katzenberg, who is co-chairing Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign, reportedly told Biden that he needs to “own” his old age like Harrison Ford — who at 80 is the same age as the president — or Mick Jagger, who will become an octogenarian next month.

Katzenberg and other advisers have told Biden to embrace his advanced age and to play up his longevity, according to a Wall Street Journal report that detailed Katzenberg’s emergence not just as the president’s most loyal Hollywood fundraiser but also a Biden whisperer who is quietly guiding the president’s re-election bid.


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